I was really not surprised
when I got to know that Google’s top searches for this year include two
queries; and they are: “what is love?” and “how to love?” Let's get to know something more about this
strongest and purest emotion of all.
I don’t dare say that no relationship
is a happy ending in a typical Hindi movie style. The fact of the matter is
that most of the relationships luckily or unluckily do not end happily. Today,
some youngsters seem busy in ‘she/he loves me-she/he loves me not’ contest.
Yes, sometimes it does seem like a bittersweet game. I was really not surprised
when I got to know that Google’s top searches for this year include two
queries; and they are: “what is love?” and “how to love?” I must confess that I
am nobody to comment over this strongest emotion of all. No doubt, love is the
strongest and purest emotion which could either make one or break one (in case
of someone becoming Devdas). I know I am no ‘love guru’ [and trust me! I do not
intend to be the one.] But when I see myself surrounded with youngsters quiet
absorbed with this so called feeling of ‘Oh, I am in love” (or read; Oh, I’m in
love again!) along with the violins in the background, I call upon heavenly
wisdom for them so that they could know what true love really means!
We all have watched and enjoyed scores
of meaningful movies with ‘love’ as their central idea. They do give us some
clues on the topic of this powerful emotion. Philosophically speaking, love is what makes
the world go round. It’s about finding someone you trust, someone you are
attracted enough to want to spend the rest of your life with. It is when
somebody becomes the center of your world and affects you the most. You are
with someone whose companionship is most valuable to you. Love is where there
is unconditional giving and selflessness. As they say love is equivalent
to God. It’s one of the purest emotions in the universe. Undoubtedly, it’s rare
for all these attributes to come together, but when they do; It’s true love.
Remember, True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love never ends.
And when we talk about relationships, it’s right to say that good relationships
don’t just happen. They are preserved every day. And good relationships happen
when two people work together with no options of parting ways. A successful
relationship requires falling in love over and over again always with the same
As they say love is not an equation, it
is not a contract, and it is not a happy ending always. Loving someone and
having them love you back is the most precious thing in the world. True love is
supposed to turn you into a better person-uplift you. In fact, true love is
rare, so when you find it, don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't
cross. True love is taking the risk that it won't be a happily-ever-after. It
is joining hands with the one who loves you for who you are, and saying, ‘I'm
not afraid to believe in you.’ When you think of him/ her, you can't help
smiling, knowing that he/she has completed you somehow. When you fall in love,
it's with a real person with flaws. Not with a perfect character from a fairy
tale. The greatest love stories are not those in which love is only spoken, but
those in which it is actually acted upon.
the Book of Wisdom, Osho explains the difference between love and relationship, particularly the relationship we
know. He says that an ‘alive’ relationship is
ever-changing. It has many climates, many moods, many surprises. A dead relationship is stagnant, repetitive, the same but no more
a relationship. Then you are not two persons but
two things together. Of course, two things never quarrel. The quarrel arises
when two persons enter. Love is never a relationship, love is relating. It is
always a river flowing, unending. Love knows no full stops. Lovers end, love
continues. It is a continuum. It is a verb, not a noun. A life full of love is
not static but vibrant. There’s a breeziness of freedom in love. Such love
knows no bounds, no misery. It is all joy and bliss.
Here this is advisable not to be what
others want you to be. Be yourself and find someone who truly loves you for
what and who you are. In fact, life doesn’t always introduce you to the people
you want to meet. Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you need to
meet – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, and to gradually strengthen you
into a person you were meant to become. When the wrong people walk out of your
life, that just makes room for the right ones to walk in. To paraphrase Sri Sri
Ravi Shankar, “I’m not experienced in the matters of love, but I can say that
there are approximately seven billion people on this planet; 3.5 billion are
men, out of them, some are old. You have 2.5 billion men to choose from, so
don’t hold on to one rotten apple. You have a lot of choice.” Don't cry over
the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived yet. Live
in the present & make it beautiful. Bear in mind, life
is just not a straight line. Life is not a cake-walk either. Sometimes some
experiences are destined to recognize the ‘real you’, to meet the ‘real you’,
to value the ‘real you.’ And remember You Matter. Don’t lose that. Ever!
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